Have you tried these natural cellulose pop-up sponges from Traders? They’re amazing and here’s why!
·They come in a pack of 12 and are about a dollar per sponge. So cost-effective! +They’re dehydrated so they’re easy to store and all you have to do is run water over them before first-time use.
·They last a long time! You can even throw them in your washer or dishwasher to sanitize them. Because they’re made of natural fibers, they hold up really well.
·They don’t feel gross. Do you know how sponges start to feel nasty over time? Or they have that plastic feeling to them. Or one side is abrasive and the other is spongy, and while I know people like that, it creates a sensory ick for me, especially when the rough side gets gooey things stuck to it.
݀They are compostable! Since they are made from vegetable cellulose, you can throw them straight into the dirt once you’re done with them. I will forever love things you can compost. Just make sure to use an eco-friendly dish soap. No chemicals in the compost, please!
If you try these out and you miss the rough side of a typical sponge, a little pan scraper like this works so well. Between these sponges and the scraper, all of my washing dishes needs are met!
If you don’t have a Trader Joe’s near you, you can buy them through Amazon. They’re more expensive but still a great price for how many you get!
Who knew a girl could have a favorite sponge?!
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