I have friends who don’t like socks. That’s not something I understand 😂. I love socks. I love to wear them. I love to get them as gifts. Socks are cozy and warm and if I’m not wearing them and my feet get cold, all I can think about is putting on socks. Hence the reason why this is my second sock post since October 😅.
I bought these Angora socks at a gas station in Iceland on a whim because they weren’t expensive and looked cozy. And then I discovered they are THE WARMEST SOCKS I’VE EVER KNOWN. I get chilblains in the cold if I’m not careful (also why I love socks) and am subconsciously, constantly aware of the temperature of my feet. I’ve had this problem since I was 14 so it’s ingrained in me at this point. I wore these socks walking around Reykjavik in shoes that weren’t insulated at all and I realized towards the end of the day that my feet never felt cold, which is absolutely incredible lol.
So I’m here to say, if you need warm socks that are also super soft, these are the ones. Or at least find yourself similar ones with a wool, Angora blend. These are 12% angora and 10% wool. And a fun fact about Angora…”Research has shown that Angora wool is warmer than lamb’s wool, and it also improves circulation.” I am so glad that Icewear sells these in the US because I don’t ever want to run out of them. ✌️
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