If you knew us in our Tina days then you most likely knew we had a sunrise from @fig.and.rosewood hanging over our bed in the loft – exhibit A. And I LOVED it there! But when we moved I wasn’t sure where or even if I’d have a spot for it in the future so I took it apart, wrapped it up, and stored it away for potential future use. That was in the spring of 2021.
Over 2 years later, we are now living in a small apartment and I pulled out my stowed-away sunrise wondering where I could put it in our current space. And then I realized I love the components of the sunrise but I don’t have a great spot to hang it put together. SOOOO I left it deconstructed and each element is now displayed on its own in our bathroom. Fresh use for an “old” piece and I love it again.
It’s fun to think outside the box and reuse pieces you already have. And when I get sick of my current space, I try to “shop” my home and switch things around instead of running off to Target to buy something new. I’m almost always just as happy doing that. No money spent, just some time, energy, and creativity at work along with a fresh perspective. Do you do that too?
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