We’ve lived in tiny spaces for over 8 years now. From 180 sq ft to 80 sq ft (hello vanlife) to now 400 sq ft (hi mansion 😂), there are a few things that we’ve realized make tiny living so much easier. Here are our Top 5.
01. Stick Vacuum
Having a stick vacuum will change your life in a tiny house. We didn’t have one for the first year and as soon as we got one and hung it on the wall, it changed our cleaning world. Sometimes it feels impossible to stay on top of keeping a tiny house clean. EVERYTHING you own is in one space. And while we have a designated spot for things, one shopping trip later and your house looks like a disaster zone. Not to mention the amount of dirt you track in every time you come home. The mess that’s made when you make dinner and drop things on the floor. The hair that sheds…from your pet AND you. It’s an endless battle. It’s indeed quick to clean but also so quick to make messy. The ease of grabbing the vacuum off the wall and doing a quick once-over is so nice. I can’t emphasize that enough. We had this one for years and loved it. And now we have this one and I love it just as much.
02. Laptop or Tablet
Most people probably opt to have a TV in their tiny house but being that ours was 180 sq ft we decided not to. But we definitely would have missed watching shows and movies if we didn’t have our laptops and tablets. If you’re a minimalist and only want one device, I would choose a tablet since you can read on it too. You get used to watching TV on a smaller screen and we don’t notice it anymore. Even now, living in 400 sq ft, we have space for a TV but we haven’t gotten one. The laptop is A-OK.
03. Headphones
If you’re living in a tiny house with another person, you need headphones. As much as you love that other person, sometimes you need a little privacy. Headphones can make that happen. Put them on and transport yourself into a different world where other said person doesn’t exist. Our tiny house had a loft and when one of us was in the loft with our headphones in, it satisfied our need for alone time.
04. Storage Baskets
Everything must have a place when you’re living tiny. Unless you like living in chaos…then it doesn’t matter 😂. Storage baskets make the biggest difference in keeping things corraled and looking tidy. We use these all over our house. Even in our “junk” drawer things are placed in little containers. Organization is key in small spaces and this is a great way to do it. I recommend some good places to get them here.
05. Chemex or French Press
Whether you’re a coffee drinker or not, it’s important to have a way to make coffee. Even if you don’t drink it, it’s nice to be able to offer a cup to your guests. We love the French Press and the Chemex. French Press is a little bit smaller and easier to tuck away if you’re not going to be using it every day. This may seem like a funny addition to things you must have in a tiny house but when you’re already limited on how many people you can have over and how much food you can make, being able to offer your guests a simple comfort feels so nice.
Honorary mention: Plants! Plants make every space feel better no matter the size. They are always a must!
What are your top must-haves for living tiny?
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