This supplement has been a game-changer for me! I started taking it daily in 2020 and haven’t stopped. I’m not a doctor and I’m not saying this will prevent you from getting sick. But when it comes to boosting your immune system, this formula does the job so well.
Pre-2020 I had a fragile immune system which led me to catch whatever happened to pass through our area. Every two or three months I was down for the count. So annoying for anyone, but especially when you lead a busy life and don’t have the luxury of staying home for weeks to recover. Who does have that freedom? And nobody wants to be sick all the time.
I used to take wellness formula pills whenever I would start to feel something coming on and a lot of times it would nip it in the bud. I still try to keep them on hand for those occasions. But in 2020 my brother-in-law said he was taking the liquid version (not the same ingredients but made for immune support) every day and I figured why not try it. I had never thought to take a daily supplement specifically for immune support but it totally made sense to me. And 2020 had us all thinking about ways we could bolster our immunity.
Maybe it was the fact that we were home all the time. Maybe it was that we were wearing masks everywhere. Maybe it was that I started to heal from being less stressed and less busy and my immune system naturally got stronger. Maybe it was that I started doing things every day to boost my body’s defenses. Maybe it was everything combined. Whatever the case, I’ve only been sick twice in the past 4 years. Which absolutely blows my mind. And now that we’re back to the crazy busy…I attribute a lot of that to taking things like this every day to help my system stay strong. I know that everybody is different and what works for me may not work for you. But it doesn’t hurt to try it if you’re able. As long as you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients of course.
I love this big 8oz bottle since it lasts me a while but I also love the 2oz version so that I can travel with it. Both can be hard to find on Amazon sometimes so if you see that they’re available, snag them! Just a suggestion. 🙂
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